Explaining Animal Endangerment

What does Endangered Mean?
           By definition in the Merriam Webster dictionary, endanger means to "bring into peril - recklessly endangering innocent lives." An endangered animal is a species that has been effected in some way, through hunting, habitat loss, or even just lack of genetic diversity, and now has exceptionally low population numbers. This results in difficulty with reproducing and surviving. With many endangered animals, often times there are more of that species in a Zoo than in the wild. Even though this is true, many zoos are using this to help raise awareness with visitors about the plights of many of the animal's that their zoo contains.
(Statistics provided for visitors to the Atlanta Zoo)
Main Causes of Endangerment:
        Some of the main causes of endangerment are illegal hunting - otherwise known as poaching - habitat loss/pollution, and lack of genetic diversity.
         Loss of habitat can happen naturally or un-naturally. Over time a habitat can change or disappear. These days more often than not it is a result of human impact. According to the National Wildlife Association, habitat loss is most often caused by agriculture, pollution, global warming and water development. The largest cause is land conversion for development. With growing populations comes the need for more water, living space, food and resources. The increase in the demand for these things makes it harder and harder to preserve the land that many endangered animals also depend on.
(Percentage of habitat loss)
            Poaching is the result of a profitable black market in the collection of certain parts of animals, the most often being hides and tusks (Ivory). Poaching not only affects the population of the targeted animals but the wellbeing of the surrounding communities that depend on the animals to keep the ecosystem balanced. If this is a topic that especially concerns you consider visiting this website, One Green Planet has outlined the causes and effects of poaching, it also includes easy ways to get involved and help.
Image result for poaching
(Poached tiger pelt)
How you can help:
          The easiest way to help is to donate to organizations that are working with communities and petitioning governments to help gain more protection for endangered animals. I have included links to some of these organizations at the bottom of this post. 
          Another easy way to help is to spread the word within your community. Educate others of the plight of animals and habitats around the world. The more desire there is for more protection for endangered animals, the more likely it is for laws to change/be created. In addition to spreading the word, educate yourself on how to live a more environmentally friendly life. Small things like taking shorter showers, turning off your lights, and taking public transport or riding a bike make a difference. If you make these changes and encourage others too as well, then more habitat is preserved and there is less pollution. As I mentioned before, the health of the planet determines the health of animals, habitats and humans. Take a stand and start making a difference for the generations to come.

Resources for Animals:
World Wildlife fund
National Wildlife Federation

Resources for global warming:
Idle No More
Union of Concerned Scientists

Resources for living more sustainably:
Live a more sustainable life
12 ways to live more sustainably


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